Friday, 27 March 2015

Minnows 14 - 2 Badgers 25/03/15

Both sides were weakened with Minnows George Webb being replaced by young Ben Volland and also using the rusty Andy Forbes again.  However Badgers also suffered by only having one A-team regular available this time.  Although there were the usual close encounters and plenty of frantic finishes it was Minnows who pulled out the victories.  The score was 9-0 before Badgers got their first win.  The final score might have gone even more in Minnows favour had Kenny not ground out a very equal ending against Ben in the final game to finish.

Minnows 14 - 2 Badgers

Round 1
Ian Robertson 1-0 Kenny McGeoch
Jim Webster 1-0 Dave McGillivray
Andy Forbes 1-0 Robert McCord
Ben Volland 1-0 Gordon Walker
Round 2
Ian Robertson 1-0 Gordon Walker
Jim Webster 1-0 Kenny McGeoch
Andy Forbes 1-0 Dave McGillivray
Ben Volland 1-0 Robert McCord
Round 3     

Ian Robertson 1-0 Robert McCord
Jim Webster 1-0 Gordon Walker
Andy Forbes 0-1 Kenny McGeoch
Ben Volland 1-0 Dave McGillivray
Round 4
Ian Robertson 1-0 Dave McGillivray
Jim Webster 1-0 Robert McCord
Andy Forbes 1-0 Gordon Walker
Ben Volland 0-1 Kenny McGeoch

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Stirling 3.5 - 3.5 Dunfermline 23/03/2015

Stirling 3.5 - 3.5 Dunfermline

S Murdochy 0-1 I Robertson
J Shemilt 1/2 F Ossowski
S Smith 1/2 J Webster
G Anderson 0-1 S Black
R Hayles 1/2 S Brisbane
J Blake 1-0 B O'Rourke
B Cook 1-0 P Horne

Dunfermline win on board count so face Badgers Brook in the final for the 3rd successive year.  Ian was in control most of the game but missed a win of the exchange - pointed out after by Jim.  However 2 pawns were won anyway which was enough to force resignation.  Boards 6 & 7 were lost after poor play by Bryan and Peter when they both surrendered better positions. Boards 2,3 & 5 were entertaining affairs where it was difficult to assess who was winning particularly on boards 2 and 5 as first one player then his opponent seemed to be better.  The major surprise was that all 3 games ended as draws.  The crucial game was board 4 where Stuart had rook & 4 pawns against bishop, knight and 4 pawns.  At first it looked good for Stirling but a small slip let Stuart push for a win which he achieved in a really tense finish with both players having less than I minute left on the clock.  

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Grangemouth A 1.5 - 3.5 Dunfermline 11/03/2015

  1. D Will 0-1 I Robertson
  2. U Archibong 1-0 G Saxton
  3. I Mason 1/2 F Ossowski
  4. C Welsh 0-1 J Webster
  5. D Fowler 0-1 G Grant

Grangemouth have found a strong player from Nigeria and Mr Archibong was originally on the team sheet to play top board but as he had not appeared by start of play and Gavin had his own car team lists were switched as Gavin was happy to leave early.  However he appeared 15 minutes late and both players then produced a really exciting game with plenty of sacs before Gavin succumbed to a fierce counter attack.  Jim had an easy win after breaking through Crawford’s odd pawn structure while Glynis looked to make heavy weather of her position before David allowed mate. Fred was generous at the end as he seemed to have a dominating position but with the team only needing a half point offered a draw before time got too short.  Likewise on top board Ian also only needed to draw but Dougie lost a couple more pawns to go with the one he mislaid earlier and gave up