There was no luck for Stirling C after a brave show. The home side controlled boards 1, 3 & 5 but board 2 could have gone either way after Douglas sacked the exchange to gain the white squares. This paid off with a neat mate using a knight and the white square bishop.Robert played a combination one move too early. If he had shut George's bishop out first the board 4 result could have been reversed (based on pub analysis!).
Dunfermline B Stirling C
Fred Ossowski 1-0 Jono Blake
Douglas Rew 1-0 Mick Bloor
Bryan O'Rourke 1-0 David Brodie
George Webb 1-0 Robert Leckie
Glynis Grant 1-0 Tom McKay
Fred Ossowski 1-0 Jono Blake
Douglas Rew 1-0 Mick Bloor
Bryan O'Rourke 1-0 David Brodie
George Webb 1-0 Robert Leckie
Glynis Grant 1-0 Tom McKay