Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Dunfermline 2-3 Grangemouth 26/10/15

1. Ian Robertson (2085) 0-1 Uby Archibong (2224)
2. Mike Roy (1679) 0-1 Alan Bell (1956)
3. Jim Webster (1677) 1/2-1/2 Doug Will (1946)
4. Stuart Black (1610) 1-0 John Smith (1737)
5. Fred Ossowski (1572) 1/2-1/2 Ian Mason (1719)

Woe is me. Curses and more curses.  I was an exchange and pawn up against Uby but contrived to lose.  All credit to Uby for finding enough decent squares and coordination for his remaining pieces to get me thinking too long and into a bit of time trouble which ultimately caused the blundering back of the material but to lose the resulting equal rook + pawns ending was just idiotic.  Have I already said curses?  I really feel I let my teammates down after their sterling efforts against a strong Grangemouth team.  

Michael fell early on when Alan produced a smart tactic netting the exchange.  Fred then played out a solid draw with Ian in a game where most of the material came off fairly quickly.  Stuart played a superb game gradually taking command against John and then smoothly converting his slight material gains.  Jim against Dougie could have gone either way and a draw was probably the fair result but initial (pub!) analysis had us all finding more wins than losses for Jim. Dougie had the final chance with an extra piece but his time trouble prevented him finding the most accurate moves to convert and he had to give the draw before time expired.  Last to finish was my nightmare ending.

All in all a good fight but probably already eliminates Dunfermline from the league title. Once more - curses.

SNCL Results 25/10/15

We were lucky

Round 1 Corstorphine 2.5 - 2.5 Dunfermline

George missed a win and then lost and Peter struggled before losing badly. My opponent was unlucky not to hold the position.  Stuart played a well controlled game to win but from what I saw Stewart seemed a bit fortunate to draw

Round 2 Oban 2-3 Dunfermline

Only won this match because my opponent lost on time at move 29 when he was winning after I mucked up a really good opening. Peter won nicely and Jim and Stuart played out solid draws.   George was better again but his opponent managed to get play from a horrible position and then it all turned round