Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Minnows 10-6 Sharks allegro match 21/09/2015

A right toughie of a match.  Minnows got off to a great start but with John and George not having played for months and Ben still a bit hit or miss with his allegro play the end result was in serious doubt.  Minnows held on mainly due to Ben’s excellent win over Michael in round 3 and a fortunate win for John in the final round.

Ian Robertson (2174) 1-0 Michael Roy (1635)
John McBride (1809) 1-0 Stuart Black (1592)
Ben Volland (1483) 1-0 Peter Horne (1515)
George Webb (1497) 1/2-1/2 Stewart Brisbane 1469)


John McBride 0-1 Michael Roy
Ben Volland 1/2-1/2 Stuart Black
George Webb 0-1 Peter Horne
Ian Robertson 1-0 Stewart Brisbane

1.5-2.5 / 5-3

Ben Volland 1-0 Michael Roy
George Webb 1/2-1/2 Stuart Black
Ian Robertson 1-0 Peter Horne
John McBride 1/2-1/2 Stewart Brisbane

3-1 / 8-4

George Webb 0-1 Michael Roy
Ian Robertson 1-0 Stuart Black
John McBride 1-0 Peter Horne
Ben Volland 0-1 Stewart Brisbane

2-2 / 10-6