Thursday 21 February 2019

Grangemouth A 3-2 Dunfermline A - 20/02/19

  1. Uby Archibong draw Ian Robertson
  2. Alan Bell (default 0-1) Calum Smith
  3. Graham Hamilton 1-0 Stewart Brisbane
  4. Dave Wallace draw Gordon Greig
  5. Duncan Glassey 1-0 Glynis Grant

It was unfortunate that Alan didn’t make it but also that had Dougie realised earlier he could have asked to step in.  He thought about asking me if that would be ok but I was engrossed in my game.  He had forgotten that it was actually Calum that was captain and could have discussed it direct!

Games themselves were good particularly Gordon’s excellent draw where he generated strong counter attacking position forcing David to opt for perpetual.  Glynis was pleased with her effort but a pawn conceded early was her eventual downfall.  Stewart may have missed a nice mid game tactic but seemed to be still doing rather well – 2 bishops for a rook before falling for a cheap shot dropping 2 pieces. Uby was still analysing where he might have done better – looked like he was going to spend several hours on it.  His slightly better position netted a pawn leaving each player with 2 rooks and a bishop but with Uby having 3 kingside pawns to Ian’s 2 pawns.  Ian sacked rook for bishop and pawn leaving almost zero winning chances and although Uby declined a draw there were really no practical chances left and after a further dozen moves or so the draw was agreed.   

NB. It appears that Dougie did become aware of the problems in time, but felt uncomfortable about changing the team so late on.